The Princess Bride | Teen Ink

The Princess Bride

September 26, 2012
By Anthony Gangi BRONZE, Arroyo Grande, California
Anthony Gangi BRONZE, Arroyo Grande, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Princess Bride

If you liked Wicked by Gregory Maguire, you’ll love The Princess Bride, by
William Goldman. It’s a comedic novel that begins with an introduction about Buttercups life on the farm with her family, and she also happens to be one of the twenty most beautiful women in the world. It sends you back to not an exact time but before Europe and after blue jeans. The narroator has a ironic tone yet is laced with a romantic humor. Each of the character’s are best at what they do. For example Westley, although just a stable boy, he is the best at surviving due to his strength and because of this he overcomes any threat. However the superior attributes, also make the characters mistakes even more entertaining. Goldman interrupts the story with his personal opinion to give the reader another view of what’s going on. He also tells most of the story in third person with the acception of his first person interjections. I’d recommend reading the book before the movie because the book lets you have your own image of the characters and plot. This book will keep you laughing from cover to cover and is defiantly one to pick up.

The author's comments:
A Book review for my English assaignment

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