Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy | Teen Ink

Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy

September 19, 2012
By Blackrex77 BRONZE, Webster, Massachusetts
Blackrex77 BRONZE, Webster, Massachusetts
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This book is about the most important human virtue of all – courage. Profiles in Courage a book by John F. Kennedy is sometimes considered one of the best books of the 20th century. The book was written in 1955, by Kennedy and his wife, Jackie. The book covers the lives of eight historic U.S. senators, John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Thomas Hart Benton, Sam Houston, Edmund G. Ross, Lucuis Lamar, George Norris, and Robert A. Taft and how they were able to conjure courage during some of the most challenging times in this country’s history.

Books are written for a reason, and Kennedy had a reason to write this book. Kennedy’s reason was to write about gathering and using courage during some of the most challenging times in any life. The eight senators in the book perfectly displayed courage and Kennedy profiles that time in their lives. It could easily be said that the book has the same point now, but it doesn’t feel that it does. 2012 is very different than 1955, we, as a generation don’t have so many issues with courage, in fact; it tends to be over used. The issue now is no longer trying to find the courage within, but how to pick ones battles and learn when it is appropriate to use it. This book is good for any person that feels that they are overbearing with their courageousness, and good for anyone feeling that they don’t have enough courage.


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