Death Cure by James Dashner | Teen Ink

Death Cure by James Dashner

December 21, 2011
By cevers BRONZE, Fairfield, New Jersey
cevers BRONZE, Fairfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


The Death Cure is about a boy named Thomas
and his friends. They struggle to survive an
epidemic that is taking over the world.

It is discovered that there were
solar flares and almost all the people
on earth were infected with a mysterious disease.

Some effects of this disease were that people
would start going crazy and then die.

There were some people that were immune and
because of this they were hated!

Thomas and his friends are all immune and they
work together to find a cure.
This book is very interesting! James Dashner is an awesome writer. I couldn’t wait to see what Thomas and his friends were going to do next. This was the third book in the series and was by far the best one!
If you like action packed, “page turner” novels that have teenagers as the main characters – this book is for you!


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