The Clique by Lisi Harrison | Teen Ink

The Clique by Lisi Harrison

November 9, 2011
By aa.peachybeans BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
aa.peachybeans BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


The Clique by Lisi Harrison is a tremendous book that all teenage girls can relate to.
Massie Block is always the center of attention. Girls at OCD Middle School thrive to be like the popular beauty. But, when Massie’s dad decides to have one of his good friends live in the Block’s guest house, Massie and her three best friends do everything they can to keep Claire Lyons out of the clique. Claire, her little brother Todd, and their parents now live in the luxurious guest house. Massie despises Claire’s wardrobe and hates how she always has a plastic bag full of sour gummies in her pocket. Claire wants to be a part of the famous clique. Being the new girl, she just wants to fit in somewhere. Even after Massie, Alicia, Dylan, and Kristen plot evil plans to embarrass Claire in public, Claire is still determined to fit in. Will Claire’s plan of revenge show Massie that she has what it takes to be “in”?
This is a nail-biting drama that gets even better in every chapter. The Clique is the first book in the bestselling series. I recommend that every teenage girl read the series. It is a story that can teach you tons of things you need to know about life.
Once you have read all The Clique series, check out a similar bestselling series called The A-List, by Zoey Dean.


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