Graceling by Kristin Cashore | Teen Ink

Graceling by Kristin Cashore

November 3, 2011
By Claire.D. BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Claire.D. BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Katsa is a seasoned murderer. She is Graced with the art of killing, and can take the life of any man with her bare hands. She has done so for her uncle, King Randa, many times. Katsa goes on exciting adventures throughout her land, before refusing to take out the king’s order of killing. She then flees with a Graced fighter by the name of Prince Po. They wind their way through the forests, mountains, and waters in an attempt to save an 11 year-old princess from her evil father, King Leck. Kristin Cashore blends fantasy and adventure into an engaging work of fiction. Graceling is a treat for both lovers of fantasy and otherwise.

Graceling seemed to cast a spell itself on me through its powerful, capturing essence. Katsa travels with her friend Price Po and young Bitterblue through the different terrain of her land that provides new hardships and challenges every corner she rounds. I found that this book is much more than a tale of a distant land, but a novel of finding yourself, even if it means putting others first.
Just like how each page is new for Katsa, it was also a winding, unexpected journey for me while I was reading. Cashore introduces twists and surprises throughout the novel that are brilliantly sequenced to form an attention-grabbing plot. The mutual bond between Katsa and Po thrives in a way that I could relate to with my friends and family members. As I turned the pages rapidly from the intensity of this novel, truths and secrets were uncovered that allowed me to feel in the middle of the action. Decisions made in this book also forced me to consider what choices I would make if I were asked to answer them.
Individuality, style, and depth have made Kristin Cashore’s debut novel, Graceling, widely loved. Cashore’s entrance into the writing world has been stunning, and she has just finished her third novel. Through the eyes of anyone, avid booklover or not, Graceling is a must-read.

The author's comments:
Hi! In my Language Arts class we had to write a book review. I chose to write it on the novel Graceling. This book is amazing, I hope you have the chance to read it!!!


This article has 1 comment.

pensive said...
on Nov. 3 2011 at 5:22 pm
pensive, Fcgbhjk, Maryland
0 articles 0 photos 25 comments
I love this book! Nice review :)