"The Great Gatbsy:" A Great Novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald | Teen Ink

"The Great Gatbsy:" A Great Novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald

June 13, 2011
By LucyViolet BRONZE, Ashford, Other
LucyViolet BRONZE, Ashford, Other
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F. Scott Fitzgerald presents a tear jerking, and thought provoking novel, in which one man's "extraordinary gift for hope" touches the hearts of all who peruse the pages of 'The Great Gatsby". The reader is inclined to follow the words of the florid first person Nick Carraway, and in doing so we evoke sympathy and compassion at the death and indeed life of Jay Gatsby, as he strives to attain an unreachable goal. His soul existence, and unobtainable dream is fuelled by his desire to prove his love and gain love in return from the superficial Daisy, forcing us to respect Gatsby - even though the reader is fully aware of his corruption.
The reader appreciates Gatsby's dream because we can relate to his needs. Daisy, and the dream itself represent one man's quest to achieve the impossible. "The Great Gatsby" is truly a great novel. Readers still adore this classic due to the storyline and entertainment value, but also because we are able to identify with Gatsby's motives in one way or another. Whether our aspirations be prompted by love, riches, employment or happiness, we all have a dream.

The author's comments:
I had to study "The Great Gatsby" a couple of years ago at school, and ever since it has been a favourite novel of mine.


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