Charles Lindbergh: American Hero of Flight by Virginia Meachum | Teen Ink

Charles Lindbergh: American Hero of Flight by Virginia Meachum

May 27, 2011
By AlexisJK BRONZE, Bikini Bottom, West Virginia
AlexisJK BRONZE, Bikini Bottom, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Charles Lindbergh: American Hero of Flight. Meachum,Virginia.NJ: Enslow publishers Inc., 2002.128 pages

Charles Lindbergh was an interesting book, the author described in great detail about how Charles flew over the Atlantic Ocean in the Spirit of Saint Louis. The book was used for young readers ready to learn about Charles Lindbergh. It was an overall factual and interesting book.
The author described how Charles parents moved apart, but did not divorce. It upset Charles having to go back and forth. Charles decided to go to college for his flying license. He stayed there for a while and learned how to fly planes for a living. He went off on his motorcycle with a couple people to become a wing walker. He did stunts on planes most of his life and always enjoyed it.
“If I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes” said by Charles Lindbergh. The greatest times in his life was flying planes. He knew exactly what he wanted to do in life since he was a little boy. Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life is the message that is coming from this book. It might be complicated getting there, but it is worth it in the end.
This was a good book, it had many details. I would advise you to read this book for any project and just for fun. The author really got the point of the book. I was able to understand everything in the book and it was very informal for any project or research. You should honestly read this book for any occasion.

The author's comments:
This biography was very interesting and you would like to read this book for any occasion.

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