Beloved by Tony Morrison | Teen Ink

Beloved by Tony Morrison

March 8, 2011
By Luis Aragon BRONZE, Phoenix,Az, Arizona
Luis Aragon BRONZE, Phoenix,Az, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The story, Beloved by Tony Morrison, the characters faced many problems.
In the beginning Sethe was troubled with her past and how she missed her daughter and couldn’t bare the fact that she had killed her because she didn’t want her daughter to live the slave. Later in the story she and her family walked upon a girl, Beloved, who reminded her of her baby girl. Although, Sethe had to face life changing choices, she is my favorite character because she shows triumph and that we can forget our past we just got to struggle to do so.

I have felt the pain that Sethe went through. Just like Sethe has trouble forgetting the past so do I. Because in my past my dad was never there and I had to grow up early and that was a pain at the age of five seeing your mom struggle with bills and four children to feed and care for. It was hard and took time to get over but I did it just as Sethe did.

I personally loved this book because I was able to relate to it and feel what the characters were facing. It was a book of truth, the past is hard to forget but not impossible. The characters in this story faced problems that most of us face throughout our lives. Clearly, this book is definitely one of my favorite.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a sad story and characters that overcome obstacles that we face today. I would recommend it because it is truly inspiring and an emotional book. Also, because we as humans can relate to this book in many ways. Furthermore, this book is amazing and I recommend it to people who like a book that reflects to conflicts we have that make us emotional and we can relate too in real life.


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