Dragon's Bait | Teen Ink

Dragon's Bait

February 4, 2011
By Kiki7 BRONZE, N.Anson,ME 04958, Maine
Kiki7 BRONZE, N.Anson,ME 04958, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
How does it feel to want.

Dragon's Bait is a compelling mysterious book you never know what is about to happen. Alys a 14 year old girl gets accused of witch craft and set on a steak for a dragon to eat and devour her. She soon she wriggles out of her ropes and she has no where to go and all of a sudden the dragon comes flying over head. The dragon doesn't see her at first and she has a choice die slow or die fast. She chose fast and she throws a rock saying “ Come and get me you stupid dragon.” It sees her and she shields her face for fear it might burn her instead of eating her. When she turns back around she sees a boy. This would be ordinary except for the fact that the boy is naked. They make an agreement and he helps her get revenge on her village and they set out on there jorney for there first victim.

Vivian Vende Velde has written over 20 books and they are all mostly about fantasy and chronicalogical books. She has always wanted to be a writer and has pursued that dream. Her books are the most interesting mysterious books I have ever read. She has written books for 8-14 year olds, teens and short story books.

I recommend this book to people who want a book that is from the past and has the most interesting characters.


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