Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink | Teen Ink

Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink

January 11, 2011
By Traci Meisner BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Traci Meisner BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Prophecy of the Sisters is a powerful look at self- discovery. Lia is trying to figure out how she fits into the prophecy that her mother left her to end. The other worlds are out to get her, to take her to the vault. Alice, Lia’s twin sister and the souls are against her. In order to end the prophecy, Lia has to find the keys. Lia’s father has been trying to figure out a way to end the prophecy too, but he wouldn’t tell anyone what he was doing. Along the way Lia meets people that will help here, and some that will not.

I thought this book was great. I liked the author’s writing style. In some parts of the book, you will you will think to yourself, “ did that just really happen”. It made me want to read more and more. I have to admit, I did cry in some parts. I also liked how the setting took place in a historical time. In some ways I could connect with the main character Lia, because what she was going through. Even though she was trying to end a prophecy. Alice and Lia act as if they were actually related in real life. They would absolutely despise each other, but there were some times when they had a good talk between each other. There is a lot of love, trust, and friendship in this book. It is an awesome read, I would recommend this book to young adults.


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