all we know of heaven by jacquelyn mitchard | Teen Ink

all we know of heaven by jacquelyn mitchard

January 10, 2011
By Tawnee Borden BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
Tawnee Borden BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sixteen year old Maureen is laying in a hospital bed in a small town of Bigelow, Minnesota fighting for her life. Maureen has been in a car crash that left her best friend Bridget dead, but the doctors cant tell the bodies apart. So she is said to be dead and her friend in coma. only Maureen knows she is alive not Bridget but she cant wake up to tell anyone.

Jacquelyn Mitchard makes the reader want to keep reading by not letting the reader know what choices the characters are going to pick. For example when Maureen wakes up from coma the reader cant tell if she will want to go on with life or just not do anything, after Maureen finds out Bridget is dead she gets really sad. So the hospital had a mental therapist to have Maureen talk about her emotional problems, but she really doesn’t like her therapist. He says “I hear you’ve been refusing your therapy” said her therapist (146). This makes the reader not knowing if she will stop her physical therapy or start trying to get better. Jacquelyn Mitchard also enthralls the audience to keep reading to discover if Maureen gets better and no longer needs help from others to live.

This book has some action, mystery, and some love in it. Good for readers who like those things. All We Know of Heaven is similar to the book Left Behind. Both books start off with something interesting. Making the reader not want to put down the book. Also wanting to find out more about what is going to happen next to the characters. All We Know of Heaven keeps the reader wanting more.


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