Just Listen by Sara Dessen | Teen Ink

Just Listen by Sara Dessen

June 14, 2010
By erinconvey BRONZE, White Plains, New York
erinconvey BRONZE, White Plains, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine you live with your mom and your dad. Your two sisters are in New York City for their modeling careers. Just when you are about to pick them up, one of them looks different, Noticeably skinny. You can see her bones and her legs are long and thin. Your other sister tries to tell your parents that she is sick but she denies it. She tells you everything is fine. Then she doesn’t eat at lunch, or dinner. But she keeps insisting she’s fine. Until that night, you find her on the bathroom floor, she is unconscious and all you remember are the ambulances outside of your house. “Just Listen” By Sara Dessen is an intriguing novel, which shows the conflicts between family and the emotions of all characters.

When it comes to speaking her mind, Annabel is definitely not good at it. All she ever wants is to quit modeling. But she cant tell her mom because it will break her heart. Then Annabel meets Owen Armstrong, an honest, music loving guy. When Owen shows Annabel music and that lyrics actually mean something, She is inspired yet confused. Owen tells her that she has to tell the truth because it will only hurt Annabel more if she continues to do something that she hates…all for her mother. Will she tell her mother? How will Her mother feel?

I can connect to “Just Listen” because one time I wanted to quit soccer and I didn’t want to tell my mom because she loved taking me and watching my soccer games. But then I realized that it wouldn’t hurt her as much as I thought, and she was happy that I told her.

In my opinion, I think that Sara Dessen’s writing style is very engaging. They way she structures her sentences and the words that she chooses are what make this a great book. Sara Dessen tells from the main characters point of view. Sara Dessen’s style of writing could mostly be described as fascinating and intriguing.

Most 7th and 8th graders would enjoy this shocking novel by Sara Dessen because of its heartwarming characters and her sympathetic and intriguing style of writing

“Just Listen” is a good read for those who enjoy realistic fiction with deep meaning. The way Dessen connects music to every aspect of life, makes this book more and more of a “lesson learned” kind of book.
Dessen shows the strength of Annabel because she is able to hold in her feelings. Annabel learns that in order to achieve happiness you must be honest and always tell the truth. She also learns to not judge people, to just listen.


This article has 3 comments.

on Jul. 21 2010 at 3:50 am
Yay! Another of her books. She really is a gifted writer. I've always wanted to write like her! I've read the book and it is captivating. Great review.

wally said...
on Jun. 21 2010 at 5:38 am
LOVE the review, it makes me want to go out and buy the book!

AC52 said...
on Jun. 18 2010 at 7:40 pm
Sounds like a great book.  What an amazing review.  AC