After the Rain by Norma Fox Mazer | Teen Ink

After the Rain by Norma Fox Mazer

April 23, 2010
By XxRandomStuffxX BRONZE, Meriden, Connecticut
XxRandomStuffxX BRONZE, Meriden, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“It’s when you run away that you’re most liable to stumble.”(Casey Robinson)

You’re living a normal life, and occasionally visiting your grumpy grandfather. Until he suddenly develops a disease and you’re spending every waking moment with him. In the book “After the Rain” by Norma Fox Mazer she describes the life of a young teenager and how she develops a new relationship with the one person she always felt some-what afraid of. In this book Rachael Cooper faces many problems. One of them is her grandfather is diagnosed with cancer, but he wants to live a normal life as he always has before and does not want any help from anyone. So, Rachel feels that it is up to her to care of him and it does not go well. Also, she has to deal with her grandfather never wanting to talk because before he becomes ill she always tried to start a conversation with him saying things like, “So, Grandpa , did you watch any good TV shows this week,” trying the best to get him to talk. Except knowing her grandfather she knows he will say something to make their conversation even more uncomfortable than it already was. As her relationship with her grandfather improves she begins to let her social life go because he becomes the most important thing in her life at the moment. When her best friend, Helena, was having here birthday she Rachel said to her, “Helena I’m going to my Grandfather’s,” and that was showing how she was canceling on her friends. Eventually afterwards she keeps canceling on all her plans to spend more time with her Grandfather. I would recommend this book to any one in middle school and up. While reading this book it can really hold your attention, I finished it in a short time because I could not stop reading it. I just wanted to know what would happen next. Also, it does not involve vocabulary that you would have to go out and look up, like other books that seem good. I would not say there was anything wrong with this book seeing that I really enjoyed reading it. So, if you want to read a book that is full of interesting things, from her developing a relationship with a new person at school and starting to care for her grandfather. Then this book would be great for you.


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