Truancy by Isamu Fukui | Teen Ink

Truancy by Isamu Fukui

April 19, 2010
By debatemaster BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
debatemaster BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity."

Truancy is an action-packed, exciting story about a group of children rebelling against a city controlled by the educational system. These children call themselves, “The Truancy”, as they choose not to attend the ruthless, controlling schools the city produces. They are led by a master strategist named Zyid who will stop at nothing to rid the city of the sadistic Educators.

The story focuses on a teenage boy named Tack who is thrust in a position of chaos. Tack is having trouble in school, dealing with the sadistic teachers and the harsh punishments dealt out by the Educators. One day, while fleeing from a pack of angry bullies, Tack slips into an abandoned district to avoid getting beaten up. While exploring the abandoned district, he stumbles across a lone boy sitting at a lemonade stand. Tack soon finds out that the boy, Umasi, possesses great wisdom. Umasi decides to tutor Tack, and so his training begins. Umasi has Tack separate grains of sugar and pepper, then eventually harder tasks such as separating grains of sugar and salt. Tack is also taught the skill of knife throwing.

One day, an Educator visited Tack’s school to observe the proceedings in the facility. While there, Tack’s sister acts out with the Educator right there. As she is being placed in a car to be expelled, a mysterious figure throws a flaming explosive at the car, with the intention of killing the Educator. Tack’s sister is killed, and when asked why he had killed her, the mysterious figure replied, “She was collateral damage, nothing more.” Tack is in such a state of shock that the figure slips away, and, in a blind rage, Tack runs as far away as possible.

His next question is: Should he join the Truancy, or kill his sister’s murderer? Read to find out.

The author's comments:
I wrote this as a school report for english class.


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