The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

March 28, 2010
By mfp31 BRONZE, Canfield, Ohio
mfp31 BRONZE, Canfield, Ohio
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The hunger for more is exactly what the appropriately titled novel The Hunger Games gives its readers. Suzanne Collins keeps the reader guessing with unpredictable twists and turns as the story progresses. Telling the story of a young girl placed in an arena where she is to kill to survive, the book is full of action and excitement. The action in the book is definitely able to capture the interest of guys, but there are also hints of a love story and also a sentimental side of the main character that would capture the hearts of girls. One aspect of the book that makes it a good novel is the suspense. Even after the last page, the reader is left guessing what will happen next. Another element is the style that makes the book easy to read. Even though some may find it elementary, the style does not take away from the plot. The final element is the character development. The reader will find it very easy to relate to the main characters. The Hunger Games is a nice, easy, and casual read for everyone to enjoy because of the suspense, style of writing, and characters.

One of the elements that makes this a good novel is the suspense created by the author. It seems that at the end of every chapter there is always a new twist or turn. The reader is never really able to correctly predict what will happen next. This novel is very hard to put down once the reader has started reading it. From whom would die next or even how that person would die, the reader is always anxious to find out. One specific example was at the end of one of the chapters, the main character, Katniss, is being chased by some unknown creature. The author leaves the reader guessing what the creature was and how the main character would escape the clutches of this creature. Another aspect of the suspense is that it even leads into a whole new book. The author does a great job of keeping the readers glued to the book with the suspense between chapters, but the ending does and even greater job of leaving the reader ready for the sequel.

Another element that turns this novel into a good casual read is the style that Suzanne Collins used in writing the novel. Suzanne made a risky choice in that she decided to write a futuristic science fiction book. Many of these types of books are writer in language that is hard for the normal everyday reader to decipher. Unlike these books, Suzanne’s writing style is very easy for the reader to understand, but still paints vivid pictures for the reader to put his or herself in the novel. Some readers would find this novel to be somewhat elementary in how it was written. It can be said that this book was written for a younger audience, but it still does not take away from the plot or themes of the novel.

A final element of the book that helps the reader stay interested is the character development. It is very easy for an author to develop a character throughout the novel’s entirety, but it takes some work to briefly describe a character and have the reader make a connection to that person. The main character Katniss is very easy to find an emotional connection with in the novel because of the extended focus, her sister Prim is well developed in the few chapters in which she is mentioned. The author tells of Prim’s living conditions, her maturity, and relationship with her sister, and instantly the reader is emotionally connected. This emotional connection with Prim also plays a part in the connection with Katniss because of the close relationship the two share. Katniss looks past fame and fortune and wants to win so she can return home and take care of her sister. Due to the connection the reader has with Prim, they want Katniss to succeed even more so the Prim is not left broken hearted.

The Hunger Games is a nice, easy, and casual read for everyone to enjoy because of the suspense, style of writing, and characters. The way that the story develops keeps the reader guessing and wanting to continue reading. It is very easy for the reader to put him or herself in the novel with the style the author uses and also the detail the author uses in developing the main and side characters. This book will be enjoyed by people of any gender, any age, and any reading level. It is a great novel for anyone to read at his or her leisure and will definitely not disappoint.


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