Hope For The Flowers | Teen Ink

Hope For The Flowers MAG

By Anonymous

   Last Christmas a good friend gave me a book entitled Hope for the Flowers. It was written by Trina Paulus in 1972. I loved it. It taught me that no matter how hard life can get, not to give up. The characters in the book are caterpillars who have choices to make and have to learn how to survive. It gave me the message not to follow people (or caterpillars) who think they know what they are doing in life, but do what you think is right. But if you need help along the way, don't be afraid to reach out for a helping hand. Also, it taught me not to be afraid to change. You can change but only the ones who really know and love you will still be there.

Go, find this book and enjoy it. Even people who have given up on life completely might enjoy it. Remember, even caterpillars can read. To find out what I mean you'll have to read the book! .


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i love this !