Dive1 by Gordon Korman | Teen Ink

Dive1 by Gordon Korman

March 2, 2010
By Clsmooth BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Clsmooth BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Try your hardest in school

Swim faster Adriana swim faster! Oh my god I almost died out there thanks god you yelled that there was a shark right behind me. Adriana almost got eaten by a shark she was the only out there in the water. Dive by Gordon Korman is the best book

What would you do if you saw a shark right behind you? These kids pass through all the time and always see sharks in the deep. I ‘m talking about Kaz, Dante, Adriana and star. The kids were spending there summer in the Caribbean to exploring the deep they didn’t want to spin there summer exploring the deep they just want to go the mall go shopping and have a sleepover with there friend but they didn’t so there were little bit mad and helpless.

When I was reading the book I didn’t like it because I didn’t kwon what the story about. I was afraid to read the book because it will have lot of words and I hate words because it make my brain hurt. So I start reading the book and I start to like very much it because the first chapter start like a story in 1996 about the pass and it was kind off cool.
You know how each time when you read a book that the author try to tell you something well this author trying to tell us that everybody in the world have to deal with something in life even diving.


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