Secrets in the shadow’s by Anne Schraff | Teen Ink

Secrets in the shadow’s by Anne Schraff

March 1, 2010
By dean douyon BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
dean douyon BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Roylin bailey is living a nightmare and it is his entire fault. It all started off when this new student Korie archer arrived at his history class. She was the most beautiful girl in the school. This story describes a real life solution. For Example when Roylin bailey stole money from MR. Miller to go buy a diamond necklace for her, which cost three hundred dollars. Roylin bailey thought that if he brought her the necklace Korie would fall in love with him, but unlike most people at Blueford-high she seemed to like Roylin .Now he is stuck so far deep he could not come out with out a friend. That is why I picked this book.

The Teen aged boy named Roylin bailey is scared of life in the future. How the author made the kid was generally surprising. Because he was not like every seven
- teen year old. He was not as bad or not as good. He has never bin in a gang. Or never in his life touched a gun and shot somebody, or not even stole until the very beautiful girl came. He thought the necklace would get her. But she used him. And after he did that entire thing of stealing the money. He though that MR. Miller would be ok but the said he died at the apartment he lived in.

I love how the author wrote the book. Because she knew how to see it in many perspective such as the reads perspective the writes perspective the publishers perspectives. It was a story that wants to make you cry because of all the things that happened to Roylin bailey. Everybody else that read the book thought it was very nice and very interesting it was never boring even though he was in school is was not so that’s why I liked it.

In conclusion this book secrets in the shadows is the best book I had ever read sense 3rd grade. This author is my favorite author because she sees it all from characters to other people. Many people I asked said that that book was the best one she wrote because of all that drama. Roylin was so happy when he found out that Mr. miller was still alive.


This article has 1 comment.

chrisflow said...
on Feb. 22 2016 at 8:10 pm
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
its coolgggggggggggg uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyv ygu uyvhg bh uyv hv h ufuryftd y t fr ty tyf yhgmhfgycxgftty