Death by Scrabble | Teen Ink

Death by Scrabble

October 14, 2009
By Cathe BRONZE, St-redempteur, Other
Cathe BRONZE, St-redempteur, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The text, Death By Scrabble, has been written by Charlie Fish. Charlie is an American author, he was born in New York City, but now he living in London, England. His interests apart from writing are scuba diving, voluntary work and playing words games for extremely high stakes. I like and dislike his text about the scrabble. I will explain you why.

Why I didn’t like the text, it’s simply, because the text was kind of special. For example all the words that they played in the game came true. It wasn’t realistic, but if you understand the concept it was interesting. The story is about a man and his wife that are playing scrabble to pass the time. The man doesn’t really like his wife so he wonders if he would be able to make a word that would be bad and happen to her. If you want to know what happened then, then read it!

The game in this story was kind of magic, the people who like stories that are not real and special, read this text you will enjoy it.


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