The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

October 1, 2009
By linkchap BRONZE, San Francisco, California
linkchap BRONZE, San Francisco, California
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Favorite Quote:
"When there's a fork in the road, take it." -Yogi Berra

Katniss is a young teenage girl who is pretty and serious on the outside, but is rough and tough on the inside. Living in the poorest of all districts in Panem, money isn’t easy to come by, but when you’re feeding two other mouths, her mother and little sister’s, its essential. Katniss’ mother is pretty much useless ever since her father died in a coal mining accident. Her little sister Prim, is a very preppy and brave girl though she acts just like any other 11 year old girl would. Katniss met Gale, a hunter just like her, outside the boundaries of her district and they have become very close as hunting companions. She is skillful with the bow and arrow and either sells or eats her game she has skewered. Her daily life changes when the selections for the Hunger Games come once again. Every year there is a competition between each district of Panem, it is a last-man standing competition where two young persons are picked from each district. Katniss has to volunteer herself for the games after an improbable event occur. She learns more about Panem and the secrets that it holds while preparing for the games. She meets her coach Haymitch who won the games once for District 12, he teaches Katniss and her teammate about the most important thing you can do while you’re in the games. Katniss learns about the deep emotions of her teammate, Peeta, but they both know both of them can’t survive to the very end.
Katniss is soon thrown into the Games, and realizes what carnage it really is. The whole thing is televised so everybody can watch your every move and mistake. Katniss goes past near death experiences, sees the horror right in front of her eyes, and learns what it means to be a survivor. The people who set up the game try to make it so it’s always entertaining, so everything can’t calm down, only at nightfall will things be calm and only then is it most dangerous. Katniss learns about herself and others along her survival, she experiences situations she has never experienced before, connects her life in the games to her life back home. Her feelings are confused, her mind is confused, she is not certain about anything at all during the games. The one thing she does know is that no matter how strong you are you can always be outsmarted.

The Hunger Games has been one of the most exciting books I’ve read in a while; everything about this book seems perfect. Suzanne Collins depicts every character’s emotions perfectly, and gives detail about everything that Katniss is thinking about; I really felt that I was in her mind looking out through her eyes. When I read it at night, I dreamt about it while I slept. Because the suspense is unbearable, I would’ve just ripped through the book in one night, but I really wanted to pace myself. This book was one of the most exciting books I have read recently, there will be things you’ll be no way expecting. You’ll come to love everything about the characters in this book, like Katniss’ keenness and the ideas she has.
I recommend this book to anyone who wants their heart racing, and anyone who wants awesome suspense and action. I think Collins did a great job of incorporating every emotion known to man in this book, and to always keep the reader guessing. The action is somewhat gruesome at some parts, but Collin’s doesn’t add too many disgusting details. You may just feel that it’s you out there competing instead of Katniss, and this book will definitely make you think about what you would do in that situation. If you read this book, I think you’ll too start to adore the characters just as much as I did. Keep an eye out for the second book of this series, Catching Fire. And remember your intelligence is the most important thing if you want to survive.

The author's comments:
Book one of a series. Look out for book two, Catching Fire.


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