The Fault In Our Stars | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars

May 4, 2023
By 4popp BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4popp BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cancer is a bone-chilling disease to be told you have.  When cancer is the topic of discussion for anything, it's usually a pretty sad and uncomfortable situation to be in. If you choose to read The Fault in Our Stars, John Green will take you through one journey with many emotions and ups and downs. So of course the book will be sad, but John Green does a good job of making sure you find some joy in it, which makes for a satisfying read. 

The book begins with Hazel who is struck with cancer at a young age. Believing she has finally accepted there is nothing she can do about it, she thinks she's finally come to terms with this life-taking disease. Then she meets Augustus Waters. He is a cancer survivor. They meet in a support group for cancer. They immediately both catch each other's attention. but Hazel being the independent woman she is,  will help her get through what's about to come later in their relationship. 

Green will take you on a journey with strong emotions of sadness and love at the same time. He will make anyone that believes in love has the courage to fight for it. This is shown within Hazel and Augustus' relationship throughout the book.

This book can be very relatable for some people with loved ones who have suffered from cancer. It could be triggering to some of those personal experiences. This book is also great for anyone who likes romance books as throughout the book we see Hazel and Augustus having a great connection and falling for each other more and more.  It is also good for teens because some of the themes of the book are about friends, relationships, as well as identity. 

So, grab a box of tissues and dig into this amazing journey.

The author's comments:

My teacher inspired to write this review


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