Beloved by Toni Morrison | Teen Ink

Beloved by Toni Morrison

February 10, 2022
By Jiaxin SILVER, Beijing, Other
Jiaxin SILVER, Beijing, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Recently, I read the book Beloved written by the American writer Toni Morrison. Being adapted to many movies and shows, Beloved is an intricate and robust novel adapted to many movies and shows.

The story began in 1873 in Cincinnati, Ohio. A former slave Sethe, lived with her daughter Denver and her mother-in-law Baby Suggs until she died eight years earlier. Before her death, Howard and Buglar, Sethe’s two sons, ran away because of an abusive ghost’s presence that has haunted their house at 124 Bluestone Road for years. However, Denver, Sethe's daughter, likes the ghost, which everyone believes to be the spirit of her dead sister. As the protagonist of Beloved, Sethe is a woman, a slave, and black. These three conditions combined determined her fate and nearly destroyed her life. Paul D, who used to work with Sethe on Mr. Garner’s Sweet Home plantation in Kentucky twenty years earlier, has come to a stop by Sethe’s house. His sudden appearance resurrects Sethe's long-buried memories. Sethe flees with her children from an abusive owner known as “schoolteacher”, in the act of extreme love and sacrifice, Sethe tries to kill her children to keep them from slavery. But only her two-year-old daughter dies, and the “schoolteacher” consequently believes she is crazy and decides not to take her back. “Beloved” was inscribed on her daughter’s tombstone. These events are revealed in the flashbacks of Sethe alleviated by the arrival of Paul D. The appearance of a young woman, named Beloved ends the calm period in 124 Blueston road. 

Toni Morrison’s language and lengthy monologues are often ambiguous and create intense imagery. Beloved is a harrowingly reflection of the lasting impacts of slavery and examines the destructive legacy of slavery. Morrison brought the readers through a journey exploring the physical, emotional, and spiritual ravages wrought by slavery. The devastating enslavement still haunts the former slaves in Beloved, even though they are in freedom now. In the novel, Sethe is a character with her sufferings described and her deeds comprehensible. As a result, readers can sympathize with her even though she murdered her daughter. Nevertheless, the circumstances leading to this tragedy was considered to be committed within an emotional impact. 


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