City of Bones | Teen Ink

City of Bones

May 26, 2009
By josh rivas BRONZE, Niles, Illinois
josh rivas BRONZE, Niles, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

City of Bones
City of Bones is a great book I would have to say it’s filled with many good parts and it never disappoints. Trying to pick my favorite is like picking a Reese’s out of a bucket of Snickers. If there is one that really stands out it would have to be the part in the book when Clary walks into her house and a demon sneaks up behind her and attacks her. Not knowing what the creature is she just kicks and screams and tries to slip away. Right before the creature is about to eat her she grabs a kind of hunting controller that she thought was a cell phone and put it in the creature’s mouth killing, that has to be one of the most thrilling parts of the book. For sure there are many other great parts but this one is just awesome, it just gets your heart pumping and you start to sweat and that makes a good book. I am not much of a reader but this book is just filled with action and humor and for being allowed in a school library it’s pretty violent and has some mature humor not too mature but it is on the fence. Its on the fence from what Clary said “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and then throw it in the
face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the
oranges you originally asked for." Once you start to read it you don’t want to stop until you have finished reading it and find out what happened, from beginning to end you just don’t want to stop and put it down it is like it is glued to your hands and tied to your head so that you can’t move it. If you ever start to read this book and don’t think that is the best part then I might have to agree with you because there are many parts in this and it’s hard to focus on one to be the best. So read this book you will learn to love it.
I think that this book is a good choice to read when you have to read a book or even when you don’t have to it’s a book that’s just good to read. You will be done with this book in no time, the moment you pick up this book it will read itself. This book might not be for every one but I would think it’s for most people. The people who most likely not like it would have to be the people who like love and butterflies and such things like that and not so much violence and blood. This book does have love to some extent but from a briefer look on it, it has more evil and fighting in it and is meant for people who like all that stuff. If you don’t like to read I understand that because I don’t like to read either but this book just hit the spot. I never wanted to put it down I just kept reading and page after page just got more into it and that’s the real thing about this book you just can’t stop until you’re done. This book even though it is a little challenging it is a good book for the everyday reader, the occasional reader, and even the non reader like me so go get your self a copy you will be happy that you did and will get the second copy for sure without a doubt.
The setting of City of Bones is set in the city of Brooklyn, New York. This was a good setting for this book I would have to say. The author made a good choice in picking this setting even though this city is used a lot it was used good in this book. The time of this is set in the present and I don’t think that it could have been put in another time because if it was then it would seem in a way too unrealistic for the story. The city I don’t think could be changed either since it is in such a rough city where bad things happen daily it would make sense to have a group of people hidden in the city. If you were to change the city to a less rougher city then you would start to think that how could all this be happening without the people not realizing what is a happening. If it was in the future then people wouldn’t care saying oh they are just some aliens who came from another world. If it was in the past then every body would have thought it’s the work of the devil and just go to church and pray to get ride of them. So the setting of the book is set the best that is could be and I would not change a single thing about this book.


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