The Boy Who Ran For A Living | Teen Ink

The Boy Who Ran For A Living

October 20, 2021
By bmcole BRONZE, Eminence, Kentucky
bmcole BRONZE, Eminence, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ghost by Jason Reynolds(208 pages) is about a boy who is scared of his dad but loves his dad and misses him throughout the story. He has flashbacks of when he was running from his dad. He has some bad things happen to him at school but he doesn't want his mom to find out about it. He runs track to try and keep him out of trouble and to have fun and meet new people that he can become friends with while running track. He gave himself the name ghost because he felt like he was see-through by people and that they thought nothing good about him and just wanted to run away from it. The best thing about the book was the end of it. It was the most that meant to him. It was the flashback of when he was running away from his dad. When he was shooting at him and his mom.

Ghost was important in this story because it tells people what trouble he has gone through in the past that impacted him in his everyday life. Ghost could relate with some people on the team with their dads because they have had similar things happen to them but it could have been with mom.

Mr. Charles was the one that saved Ghost and his mom and protected them from his dad from hurting them down the road. Ghost always goes to see him after school to get sunflower seeds from him. He plays an important part in the story because he has impacted ghosts in all of his everyday life. Mr. Charles always would ask the same question and Ghost has realized and keeps the conversation going with each other in the story.

"Trouble is, you can't run away from yourself." Coach snatched the towel from his shoulder, folded it into a perfect square, and set it in the space between us. "Unfortunately," he said, "ain't nobody that fast." -Coach. Coach said this because the ghost was not thinking he was not going to be on the team anymore. The theme is easy to spot in this book because they teach you to love everything that happens. This might mean that they could teach you to stay in a sport or tell you to keep focused on what you set your mind to and stay with it.

I would give this book a 4 star because it has some good parts that are in the book. There might be some bad parts in the book. The book has different people that are impacted by each character. The best part of the book is what made people happy about the book/characters. I have given it 4 stars because they have some good parts that could mean something to someone and maybe they could relate to it. Some people might think lower than 4 stars because they might not connect to the book as well as some other people may agree with and some may not even relate to anyone with this story.

The author's comments:

We read the book ghost for our class and was fun to read.


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