The Remains of the Day Reflection | Teen Ink

The Remains of the Day Reflection

January 4, 2021
By Johntan BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Johntan BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Remains of the day is a novel written by Kazuo Ishiguro. It is told from the first-person point of view from the main character, Steven. The book starts with Steven receiving a letter from his colleague regarding his past when he worked as a butler for Lord Darlington

Overall, this story portrays the protagonist’s relationship with his past coworker, Miss Kenton, as they reflect on their time when they were worked together to serve Darlington. Steven’s character is depicted as consistently obedient. He serves as a butler with great dignity, tries to do everything to the best of his ability, cares for nothing else than his work, and of course, usually doesn’t talk much, and is not amused by humor nor small talk. Miss. Kenton, however, is depicted as a rather social housekeeper, who almost has the opposite feelings toward Lord Darlington. 

As the book unfolds, so does the relationship between Miss Kenton and Steven. The plot illustrates that Steven might have been better suited for Miss Kenton than her husband, Mr. Benn. They have mutual feelings for each other but never end up together. Although this upsets Steven, he does not reveal this information to her, which represents his stoic character.

Miss Kenton even eventually admits that she married the wrong person. This is due to the circumstances that the two of them miscommunicate to each other and Steven does not display his real emotions.

The definition of dignity is an arguable subject in the story. Some say it has great advantages, as Steven serves Darlington well.  Yet, others reject this notion and believe it constrains him. An example of this is that Steven is prevented from expressing his real opinions about ideas. A case in point is that although he and Miss Kenton have worked together for so long, he still does not express that he has romantic feelings toward her, and keeps his thoughts buried, and comes to terms that this prevented them from having a relationship.  


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