The Me I Meant to Be | Teen Ink

The Me I Meant to Be

May 15, 2019
By KaylieH13 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
KaylieH13 BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book, The Me I’m Meant to Be, by Sophie Jordan is a book that describes a girl’s life in the teen years. This book is about the Girl Code and the do’s and don’ts of friendship. Girls live by this code or so they say.

    Jordan’s book tells the story of two best friends, Flor and Willa. Flor and her boyfriend, Zach, have just broken up. Willa is Zach's neighbor, and they have been very close since day one. Zach has always had feelings for Willa.

I need to pause to explain Girl Code.

1. Never date a friend's ex

2. No keeping secrets from your bestie

3. Breaking the code breaks friendships.

With many more codes on the list, these three are the biggest of them all. Can Willa and Flor follow the code.? Are they as close as they say they are?

    Just image you have a big crush on this boy you have known for as long as you can remember. Your best friend just came to you and tells you they like the same boy. As soon as you find out how they feel you immediately hide those feelings and let your friend have him. Can you hide those feelings forever? Will you put your friend before yourself? Or will you lie to your best friend straight to her face? Could you keep a big secret from your best friend? Could you lie to her even though you know how much this boy meant to her? Does Girl Code even matter to you?

    This book would not be liked by boys. They would be confused and wouldn’t understand. If you are a girl in middle school or high school this book is definitely for you. Even if you’re happily married and want to have a little laugh because you remember those days in high school, this book is also for you. I enjoyed this book very much because I could totally relate.

The author's comments:

This book was very good. I would give it 5 stars


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