A Day at the Movies | Teen Ink

A Day at the Movies

December 11, 2017
By IsaacMC BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
IsaacMC BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When finding myself stuck in Bartlesville for four hours without anything to do, because I agreed to take my sister to gymnastics, I was in search for ideas to spend time. I finally decided to go to the local movie theater to help the time pass. First of all, it was pretty difficult to locate with all the turns and loops, I almost got lost. As I arrive at the mall, I go in the door and here’s where all the “fun” begins. I will now review my movie experience.

As I walked up to the ticket booth, I could tell it was going to be a fairly nice movie theater that makes you feel like you are in a 90s theater with all of its vibrant and tacky colors. When I asked for one ticket to Wonder Woman. The teller than tells me “twelve dollars please.” That is outrageous for a movie as I thought to myself. That’s when I noticed that they had matinee movies for eight dollars which honestly isn’t bad. I should’ve just left and come the next day at the matinee but I didn’t. But I don’t understand why you have to buy a ticket for 12 dollars just to see a movie that had been out for a few weeks. In my opinion, it should be 8 dollars at all times.

Now as my wallet is half the size of what it was, I go to the snacks where I will lose even more money. I stand waiting at the counter and no one is there to help me so I wait patiently for someone to do their job and help me. Then someone finally came out, and I asked for a popcorn, a box of candy, and a beverage. I watch as the man puts the prices in the cash register and I saw $6 for a medium popcorn, $4 for a large drink, and $4 for a box of M&M’s. The total came out to $14 for just me I then at that point would think through what I had just done with my money.

While struggling to walk without spilling my soda, dropping my candy, or decorating the floor with popcorn I am trying to locate the correct theater. They might as well just open a maze because it is very difficult to find where your movie is. They do not label the doors well at all, the first time I went I guessed where I was supposed to go because I could not see any numbers, titles, nothing. But I finally found it while I had my night vision goggles on because it's as dark as a cave. As I walk in the theater, I am struggling to find a seat without having to ruin someone’s day by walking past them. So I find a seat way up at the top where no one is at and sit there and start to watch the movie.

Now the best thing about the movie theater is the seats they have in there. The seats honestly make you feel like you are at home. They aren’t like other theaters with the narrow, plastic back, and springy seat. They feel almost like memory foam straight from a Tempur-Pedic, I at one point in the movie started dozing off and I even caught myself right before I started snoring. So I guess the ticket price was somewhat worth it just because of the seats but not for anything else.

So now that I have talked about my experience at the theater here is my overall review. In terms of rating the Theater by the price of the ticket based on the quality of the facility, I would give a three and a half. When I think about how the bathroom wasn’t clean, or how there was trash on the ground I had to dock off, I paid money to get in I would like it to be clean. When I think of customer service, I rate as a two and a half, mainly because I shouldn’t have to wait ten minutes to get noticed at the counter to get snacks. If you want more business, I advise you stay out and be ready for whenever someone comes. Again with the customer service, I could not find my theater for the life of me, and it was beginning to make me upset, please label better or have an usher or something. Now the comfort of the theater, You had some of the most comfortable and relaxing seats I have ever sat in a theater, the temperature of the theater was a little chilly but not too bad. I will give a five for comfort. My overall rating for this theater would be a 4 so this is a pretty decent theater and I suggest.

The author's comments:

I quite often take my little sister to Gym practice and sometimes I don't like to wait for three hours so I decided to go to the movies. While there I spent almost $30. 

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