Procrastination is the key to creativity | Teen Ink

Procrastination is the key to creativity

September 13, 2017
By LuisZermeno BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
LuisZermeno BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found Zoe Matthews's article, "Procrastination is the key to creativity" very moving based on how it's set up. I agree that procastination is a simple way to get creative ideas in a short amount of time. When Matthews tells the reader, "I haven't even chosen a topic for my essay yet", very quicky I thought that I can very much relate to the author since I have done the same thing in the past. I also agree with how procrastination is seen with past events such as "Martin Luther King Jr's I have a Dream speech" and "Abraham Lincoln's Gettyburg Address" and those events are widely known through the United States. Thank you Zoe for helping me realize that procastination is not that terrible and how it can be used for good intentions.

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