Are The Panda Dunks Overrated? | Teen Ink

Are The Panda Dunks Overrated?

January 29, 2024
By rhemajoseph_ BRONZE, Sacramento, California
rhemajoseph_ BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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The Black White, aka “Panda” dunks are what's hot right now but are they really all that? The Nike dunks were originally released in 1985 but they were all high tops and they started off as basketball shoes. Once people saw them on the court, they became popular and they crossed over to fashion. Nike still releases high top dunks but most people are now into the lows and the SB dunks. The SB’s have lots of collaborations with other companies and even cartoons. 

Honestly, everybody and they momma has a pair of the panda dunks. The colorway is a combination of black leather that overlays the white leather. It makes the shoe look very clean and makes them very versatile. You can dress them up or down but because of the versatility, they became over-worn very quickly. Even though they're nice, as a sneakerhead, I get tired of seeing the same colorway everywhere I go. Are you really into shoes if you're just buying what's hyped up the most? 

I can see how the pandas are probably becoming a classic like Air Force 1s but there's way more options for dunks than Air Forces, so why be basic? Lots of people argue that they are just a must-have for sneakerheads because they “turn heads” but if everybody has them, you wont get that sensation anymore. I have a pair of the candy dunks and I love them. When I wore them for the first time, I was at the fair and everybody tries to be fitted at the fair so I was looking at everyone's feet to see who else had them. I was getting lots of compliments and by the time I left, I still didn't see anybody with them on. If you really want shoes that make a statement, get a different colorway. 

Black and white are the most simple colors so I really think people are overreacting over them. It's like they have never seen black and white on a shoe before. There's so many other shoes people can get like the Jordan 12 Royaltys or the Jordan 11 Concords, just too many for me to list honestly. That just proves that people are buying what's hyped up the most because you can get any jordan or nike shoe with a black and white colorway. 

Nike Dunks are great shoes in general and they are lots of people's favorites. They're comfortable shoes and they have so many colorways and color combos that can make outfits stick out more. People that are into fashion love that they give off an old school vibe especially for streetwear outfits. The only downside is that they crease very easily but not everybody cares about creases and it ain't nothin to get crease protectors.

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Luis Castro said...
on Feb. 7 2024 at 8:51 pm
Luis Castro, Sacramento, California
0 articles 0 photos 13 comments

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"Do or do not, there is no try"<br /> Yoda

So over rated. I love me some Js