In Wake of Scandals, College Come From Within | Teen Ink

In Wake of Scandals, College Come From Within

October 25, 2019
By camrynshaffer BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
camrynshaffer BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “In Wake of Scandals, College Come from Within”, written by Maria Proulx, talks about the college scandal. Her writing left me feeling stunned. The author has a good point in this article. He stated in this article about hoe Hollywood actress paid to get her daughter into college and she said, “Be Classy-You only get one reputation.” I think that’s so funny because she literally paid for her kid to get into college. Not all kids have rich parents to do this and it’s also very unfair. It states in the article, “…The admission a game of chances…”. This gave me the idea that no college is easy to get into. It also gave me the idea that the author has past experiences with colleges doing this in the past.

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