From Nobody to Somebody | Teen Ink

From Nobody to Somebody

September 10, 2019
By kmartin2021 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
kmartin2021 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “From Nobody to Somebody,” written by Noah Fisher talks about becoming someone out of a small town. His writing left me feeling inspired. I agree with this article in so many ways. I believe you do have to work for everything because it’s not just going to be handed to you. According to the author, “with the fastest time run that season.” Noah worked all season long just for that one race and ended up getting his best time yet. I felt inspired because seeing him succeed made me want to succeed. Noah worked hard by running many miles every day. In the article it states,” I was a four-foot-ten-inch seventh grader, running amongst towering juniors and seniors.” Noah challenged himself to run with the high school and that’s what made him so good. Even when Noah fell at his race, he got back up and didn’t let it affect him. At my school, many people feel the same and are also inspired by Noah. I am not surprised with how good Noah is after watching him run his countless miles every day after school with no break. Noah Fisher shows a true way on how to be a champion.

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