“Birthmarks” Review | Teen Ink

“Birthmarks” Review

March 5, 2019
By hledkins2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
hledkins2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The article “Birthmarks” by Josephine F. is an article that encourages self-acceptance. When Josephine wrote, “She never tried to hide her birthmark or change her appearance. It really inspires me,” I feel like she let us see part of her acceptance of a very unique and special part of what makes Josephine herself. Her story can be great for people who also have unique birthmarks. When Josephine wrote, “I don’t hesitate when someone asks me about them either. I say ‘They’re beauty marks’ and smile without pursing my lips.” She shows how it’s possible to accept yourself, and live life happily knowing that everyone is unique and perfect in their own way.

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