Virtual Reality Review | Teen Ink

Virtual Reality Review

December 19, 2018
By ChickenNoogy BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
ChickenNoogy BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A virtual world...a place to go when all else fails. Virtual reality is the future to technology. A virtual reality headset is a slightly bulky yet highly effective way of transporting a participant into a new world filled with tons of things to watch and games to play. Anything from going on roller coasters to FPS games are on the table.

My initial thoughts were incredibly skeptical. I figured it would be awful and that it would be a huge, irritating headset that would have all kinds of cords coming out that would envelope me like snakes every time I’d try to turn around. While I had no idea if I’d actually like it, I always kept it in the back of my mind that I’d like to give it a try.

It wasn’t until a good friend of mine got a virtual reality headset that I actually had the opportunity to partake in using it. Again, I had no idea what to expect. I figured I’d start with something easy. I had my friend set up a simple roller coaster ride simulation where all I had to do was look around and take everything in. It allowed me to look around, providing a realistic three hundred sixty degree view.

I then moved onto a swordplay game. This time I got controllers and the goal was use them as swords and chop blocks in certain directions in correspondence to music. This was unequivocally interactive game that i’ve ever played. It isn’t like sitting on a couch for hours with a controller. It was fun and different to take part in playing a video game that implements necessary movement to succeed at the game.

After playing both games, I realized how much virtual reality had exceeded my expectations. I loved being able to be in a situation that left me completely in control of where I was looking and what I was doing. The mobility was barely limited, contrary to what I had originally thought it would be like. Overall, I was very satisfied with my virtual reality and I would recommend it to anyone who is skeptical like I was.

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