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By ladhie BRONZE
Florissant, Missouri

it is fun when ur around and i never feel down that hardest part that i'll ever meet, is when i have to set u free
ladhie BRONZE, Florissant, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote: matter wat i do, there juz some things that will not goin back anymore, a yesterday that will never happen again and some feelings that i would never ever feel again... and thats the end, thats my last step to moving on, the ADMITION...

By ladhie:D GOLD
Florissant, Missouri
ladhie:D GOLD, Florissant, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
i cant sit and tell myself<br /> &quot;im over u:D&quot;<br /> a million times a day,<br /> but when im there next to u,<br /> everything juz fades away....

By ladhie:D GOLD
Florissant, Missouri
ladhie:D GOLD, Florissant, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
i cant sit and tell myself<br /> &quot;im over u:D&quot;<br /> a million times a day,<br /> but when im there next to u,<br /> everything juz fades away....

By ladhie:D GOLD
Florissant, Missouri
ladhie:D GOLD, Florissant, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
i cant sit and tell myself<br /> &quot;im over u:D&quot;<br /> a million times a day,<br /> but when im there next to u,<br /> everything juz fades away....

By ladhie:D GOLD
Florissant, Missouri
ladhie:D GOLD, Florissant, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
i cant sit and tell myself<br /> &quot;im over u:D&quot;<br /> a million times a day,<br /> but when im there next to u,<br /> everything juz fades away....

By ladhie:D GOLD
Florissant, Missouri
ladhie:D GOLD, Florissant, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
i cant sit and tell myself<br /> &quot;im over u:D&quot;<br /> a million times a day,<br /> but when im there next to u,<br /> everything juz fades away....

By ladhie:D GOLD
Florissant, Missouri
ladhie:D GOLD, Florissant, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
i cant sit and tell myself<br /> &quot;im over u:D&quot;<br /> a million times a day,<br /> but when im there next to u,<br /> everything juz fades away....

By ladhie:D GOLD
Florissant, Missouri
ladhie:D GOLD, Florissant, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
i cant sit and tell myself<br /> &quot;im over u:D&quot;<br /> a million times a day,<br /> but when im there next to u,<br /> everything juz fades away....

By ladhie:D GOLD
Florissant, Missouri
ladhie:D GOLD, Florissant, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
i cant sit and tell myself<br /> &quot;im over u:D&quot;<br /> a million times a day,<br /> but when im there next to u,<br /> everything juz fades away....

By ladhie:D GOLD
Florissant, Missouri
ladhie:D GOLD, Florissant, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
i cant sit and tell myself<br /> &quot;im over u:D&quot;<br /> a million times a day,<br /> but when im there next to u,<br /> everything juz fades away....