Sonnets by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink


Most recently submitted Sonnets

By Lori`Acee GOLD
Washington, District Of Columbia

Can you give me Hope, or even Peace.? Can you give me anything that i really need.? The curiousity that builds up in my brain, can you feed it.? If i send my love to you, will y...
Lori`Acee GOLD, Washington, District Of Columbia
12 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is only what u make it

By Anonymous
By numbheart21 GOLD
Antipolo, Other
numbheart21 GOLD, Antipolo, Other
10 articles 8 photos 8 comments
By JessKnight13 GOLD
Memphis, Tennessee
JessKnight13 GOLD, Memphis, Tennessee
13 articles 6 photos 0 comments
By SaddleShoeGal PLATINUM
Granite Canyon, Wyoming
SaddleShoeGal PLATINUM, Granite Canyon, Wyoming
23 articles 42 photos 71 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;History is the key to the future&quot;--Melinda Emerson<br /> &quot;Never tell the truth to those unworthy of it&quot;--Mark Twain

By SaddleShoeGal PLATINUM
Granite Canyon, Wyoming
SaddleShoeGal PLATINUM, Granite Canyon, Wyoming
23 articles 42 photos 71 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;History is the key to the future&quot;--Melinda Emerson<br /> &quot;Never tell the truth to those unworthy of it&quot;--Mark Twain

By WaterQueen07 GOLD
Chardon, Ohio
WaterQueen07 GOLD, Chardon, Ohio
16 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
Gerard Way: &quot;Hey, girls, you&#039;re beautiful. Don&#039;t look at those stupid magazines with sticklike models. Eat healthy and exercise. That&#039;s all. Don&#039;t let anyone tell you you&#039;re not good enough. You&#039;re good enough, you are too good. Love your family with all your heart and listen to it. You are gorgeous, whether you&#039;re a size 4 or 14. It doesn&#039;t matter what you look like on the outside, as long as you&#039;re a good person, as long as you respect others. I know it&#039;s been told hundreds of times before, but it&#039;s true. Hey, girls, you are beautiful.&quot;

By mkgirl395 GOLD
Coppell, Texas
mkgirl395 GOLD, Coppell, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 51 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;My friend, let&#039;s not think of tomorrow, but let&#039;s enjoy this fleeting moment of life.&quot; <br /> -Omar Kyyam

By Anonymous
By numbheart21 GOLD
Antipolo, Other
numbheart21 GOLD, Antipolo, Other
10 articles 8 photos 8 comments