Take A Stand | Teen Ink

Take A Stand

October 14, 2015
By stuckbetween2worlds BRONZE, HACKETTSTOWN, New Jersey
stuckbetween2worlds BRONZE, HACKETTSTOWN, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It&#039;s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.&quot;<br /> ~Lewis Carroll

The day's rays may shine down on those who smile
The sunshine bringing happiness and joy
The stars for those who go the extra mile
Others, get nothing, for they only destroy.


The screaming storm brewing over each head.
Roaring like a lion, their thoughts out loud
The ringing bell, fighters have been misled
The match has begun, heart ache is allowed


The baby bird flutters away from home,
It roams from home to the foamy seashore
Where the waves tumble, and fish live in domes,
It's finally free, it broke through the door.


Love will be love, no matter what you say.
Be who you are: Bi, straight, or even gay.

The author's comments:

I had written this piece in honor of a friend of mine and anyone who is ashamed of their sexuality. As I said, "Love will be love." Be you.

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