Questions | Teen Ink


January 2, 2012
By AndAllThatJazz BRONZE, Newmarket, Other
AndAllThatJazz BRONZE, Newmarket, Other
2 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I hate quotations. Tell me what /you/ know<br /> ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who tells us how to do things?
Who wants every girl to be a doll?
Who told them to clip our wings?
Who let them make us small?

What makes a girl say she’s ugly?
What makes her say she’s a hopeless case?
What did she do to deserve this?
What can she do to fix her face?

When will we see the harm?
When the pursue of beauty leads to pain?
When the rule of vanity shall raise its arms
When for this no one alone is to blame

Where do our insecurities come from?
Where do we learn that we should think that
Where beauty is found there is freedom?
Where happiness is there’s no fat?

Why must she always do this?
Why does her hair mean more than her health?
Why are the girls so caught up that they miss
Why life can be full of so much more wealth?

How can I make it go away
How can I make them see
How though beauty can seem a blessing
How there is no true joy in vanity.

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