Those Eyes | Teen Ink

Those Eyes

June 21, 2011
By Katarina BRONZE, Manhattan Beach, California
Katarina BRONZE, Manhattan Beach, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your penetrating eyes saw into me
They sailed the undulant sea of my mind
Your soul broke down my walls of sanity
My pull to you grew stronger I did find

As dog is faithfully devout of man
I reached for you though master beat canine
With hope of change, straight back you to I ran
Ignored my wounds so I could call you mine

And yet, those penetrating eyes, they haunt
This soul which once let only you to claim
This life has taught the fruitlessness of want
Abusers like you only stay the same

And as I fin'lly reach into my mind
My pull away grows stronger now I find

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