Stars | Teen Ink


June 1, 2011
By crazycaroline BRONZE, Winter Park, Florida
crazycaroline BRONZE, Winter Park, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My glowing star of faith lives on my sleeve,
I am forced to wear by the ones who hate,
A dark reason for my fam'ly to grieve,
My star is a true symbol of my fate,
upon my walls I place some movie stars,
At night I dream of what is meant to be ,
The dreams I dream are full of scars,
A reminder of what is meant to be,
I want to be more a star and a writer,
But even stars are beat'in and taken,
This star has fallen and this dream taken,
Though this star has fallen it still burns bright.
remember this star of great hope and light.

The author's comments:
I wrote this sonnet when we were learning about Ann Frank. If she did right any poems, I think she would wrote something that includes all the stars around her.

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