Sandy Footprints | Teen Ink

Sandy Footprints

April 27, 2011
By RMarieP BRONZE, Howell, New Jersey
RMarieP BRONZE, Howell, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Footprints are engraved on the sandy scene
Waves rise over the morning's rising sun
This is my favorite Sunday routine.
Today's morning has only just begun.

Pails and shovels are sprinkled on the beach
Sandcastles shine in the sun's morning rays
The sun seems close, but it's far out of reach
I wish this could happen on my Mondays.

We head to the rides; they are the best part.
On one side, a roller coaster stands tall.
On the other side, large tracks for go-carts.
There are games – knocking pins over with balls.

The gray clouds that hovered did not look plain,
The sky thundered and started to pour rain..

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