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#13631voted by our readers
By pampalooga PLATINUM
Natick, Massachusetts

The sea was rough and the going was tough. Stripped down to my soul I hadn't yet paid the toll. My hands were numb, everybody thought i was dumb. They called me insane...
pampalooga PLATINUM, Natick, Massachusetts
30 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We all can't be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the sides and clap as they go by." "In the end, they're just more words."

#13632 Poetry
By getdude56 ELITE
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
getdude56 ELITE, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
473 articles 0 photos 118 comments

Favorite Quote:
Scenery is nothing more than poetry.<br /> Love is nothing more than chemicals.<br /> &#039;Cause fairy tales are just scribbled pages filled with happy endings and little white lies.<br /> One person can make a difference, but a crowd can make a change.

JadGhamloush BRONZE, Beirut, Haret Hriek, Other
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments
#13634 Poetry
By Tanner Buresh BRONZE
Pacific Ocean, Nebraska
Tanner Buresh BRONZE, Pacific Ocean, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#13635 Poetry
By Annibonny DIAMOND
Evanston, Illinois
Annibonny DIAMOND, Evanston, Illinois
67 articles 38 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes life takes a path that is hard to walk on, so all you have to do is put on your hiking boots.

#13636 Poetry
jhsironmen12 PLATINUM, Jackson, Ohio
36 articles 0 photos 92 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life&#039;s not about how hard you can hit; it&#039;s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward. That&#039;s how winning is done.

#13637 Poetry
By kasiajonas ELITE
Cracow, Other
kasiajonas ELITE, Cracow, Other
117 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live like you&#039;re at the bottom even when you&#039;re at the top.

#13638 Poetry
By KityraAnderson PLATINUM
Mercer Island, Washington
KityraAnderson PLATINUM, Mercer Island, Washington
41 articles 1 photo 54 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing matters more than those who depend on you, emotionally or physically. Even if the situation is life or death, you have to be there for them, because they need you.

#13639 Poetry
#13640 Poetry
By Chris9 GOLD
Harvel, Illinois
Chris9 GOLD, Harvel, Illinois
13 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live Life To The Fullest