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#11821voted by our readers
Selden, New York

(Verse I) Yesterday we broke out into a fight I said things I didn’t mean You saw me in a different light I’m sorry if you lay in ruins I’m sorry if it’s too late now To take...
ELM522 DIAMOND, Selden, New York
79 articles 0 photos 139 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All those other girls, well they're beautiful, but would they write a song for you?"-"Hey Stephen" by Taylor Swift

#11822 Poetry
By A.-Athanatos BRONZE
Mount Sinai, New York
A.-Athanatos BRONZE, Mount Sinai, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Leave the past in the past. Keep your mind in the present. And don’t worry about the future"

#11823 Poetry
Poteet, Texas
Tiffy BRONZE, Poteet, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#11824 Poetry
By Anonymousme GOLD
San Antonio, Texas
Anonymousme GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
15 articles 2 photos 64 comments

Favorite Quote:
John 3:16<br /> For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son so whoever believes in hill will not die but have eternal life.<br /> <br /> Dreams are what make us who we are, a life without dreams is like a life without air.

#11825 Poetry
BabyRanger_2010 SILVER, Dumas, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;There is no doubt that knowing someone in the business will get you in the door. But it is your talent that will keep you in the room.&quot; -Vic Mignogna

#11826 Poetry
By cdmswimmer9 GOLD
Costa Mesa, California
cdmswimmer9 GOLD, Costa Mesa, California
17 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Faith is taking the first step when you can&#039;t see the whole staircase.&quot; -MLK Jr.

#11827 Poetry
By lO_oveJay GOLD
Rock Hill, South Carolina
lO_oveJay GOLD, Rock Hill, South Carolina
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
If everything seems under control, you&#039;re not going fast enough.

#11828 Poetry
By getdude56 ELITE
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
getdude56 ELITE, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
473 articles 0 photos 118 comments

Favorite Quote:
Scenery is nothing more than poetry.<br /> Love is nothing more than chemicals.<br /> &#039;Cause fairy tales are just scribbled pages filled with happy endings and little white lies.<br /> One person can make a difference, but a crowd can make a change.

#11829 Poetry
Onsted, Michigan
Kylie-o PLATINUM, Onsted, Michigan
24 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;People haven&#039;t always been there for me, but music has.&quot; -- Taylor Alison Swift

#11830 Poetry
By Shadowous GOLD
San Mateo, California
Shadowous GOLD, San Mateo, California
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Fear is not us, Fear lies above us, we want Fear to be to the side or below us, But we have encouragement within us, We want encouragement above us, We want encouragement above us over fear.&quot;