take me on an adventure | Teen Ink

take me on an adventure

December 11, 2015
By meke98 BRONZE, South Riding, Virginia
meke98 BRONZE, South Riding, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Close my eyes and make a wish
Northern star will you give me this
Will you make my dreams come true?
If I follow you

Take me to where I belong
Because right here its feeling so wrong
Lead me to another place
If it’s in my dreams that’s okay

Fly me to never land                   
Where me and peter pan
Will be soaring through the sky
With tinker bell by our side

Guide me to wonderland                
Where me and Alice can
Defeat the evil queen
And have ourselves a tea party

Lead me to Shrek’s swamp
Forget about lord farquaad
Where I Shrek and donkey will be
Eating waffles in jubilee

The author's comments:

It just a snippet of a song I wrote while sitting in my room its not the whole thing. I was sitting in my room and I have this frame that says we made a wish and it came true, and then it came to me.

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