Dear, Alice | Teen Ink

Dear, Alice

December 11, 2015
By zombiestalkingpolitics BRONZE, Dewitt, New York
zombiestalkingpolitics BRONZE, Dewitt, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Buttons, Paper
Cloth and string
Death and living

Homework and stress
Like all the rest

Are driving me down to a place in the town
Called the cemetery

Buttons, paper
cloth and string
death and living

love and friendship
are like all the rest

they are driving me down to a place in the town
called the cemetery

Beautiful and cruel
This world we are

Are you fine?
Can’t you see anymore?

Can You Talk
or can you not?

You are like all the rest

You are driving me down to a place in the town called the cemetery

The author's comments:

This song is about a girl, a beautiful girl that i always loved. She never loved me back. I wrote this while my mental health wasn't so great, but my love for alice still stood tall.

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