continuation | Teen Ink


December 2, 2015
By lala.jr BRONZE, Whiting, Indiana
lala.jr BRONZE, Whiting, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This complication
strict relation
Non knowing
So I can keep going

More alone but not by myself
Wrapped inside the books on my shelf
Drowned in the notes of each song
I’m trying to go on

Bad thoughts and flashbacks
As much as the stress on my back
Control is something I lack
But in knowledge I’m starting to push forward
So I can push onward

Frustration and alteration
They go together
Taking away my communication
Through these incomprehensible situations
I rise to the occasion

I continue my process
While decreasing the levels of my stress
And increasing the capability of achieving
The goals in my mind
Everything going as smooth as a strait line

They say it as a 123 thing
So fast
Can’t think
Don’t sing
Just do and say as you feel
And you can make it In the world of the real

Vulnerability is what I feel
But not a necessity
As creativity in my mind if taken
By the rules and the boundary’s

Clarity is what I need
When nothing else is seen
But covered
Continuation is the theme
Cause its not as bad as it seems

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece while I was in the hospital going thorugh a really depessing and low time in my life. This poem was about how even though things wern't going as I'd hoped I was trying extreamly hard to look forward to the future and not crash and burn like I had already done. 

 I  am hoping that this poem can and will inspire others in similar situstions to find a way to keep going and not give up on life even though it seems impossible. 

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