San Antonio | Teen Ink

San Antonio

November 20, 2015
By Chri$~Reye$ BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Chri$~Reye$ BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

San Antonio is a very active city.
Most people think it's big and pretty.
Until they see down here it's like the windy.
But walking downtown i get very iffy.
Because a lot of people down here carrie semis.
Blind to a human eye but i know they got plenty.
Here in San Antonio it may look like a playground.
But most people here don't want to play around.
In this city it's a must that you make money.
And if u don't you are considered a nothing.
That's when most people turn to to corners and move something.
That's when the violence starts to come around.
Walking in the wrong hood problems show up around.
San Antonio looks very nice all around.
But there really ain't nothing good about my town.

The author's comments:

In San Antonio it may look like a good city but reallyit aint that good.

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