Tales of a Shy Guy | Teen Ink

Tales of a Shy Guy

October 27, 2015
By CRod96 GOLD, Rancho Cucamonga, California
CRod96 GOLD, Rancho Cucamonga, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.

Shes so cute, I wish I could break the ice
Tell her, "I like your tees", and ,"you look nice".

This superficial feeling has got me on another level
And I'm not sure if it's from Jesus, or the devil

But maybe I'll take my chances, and ask away
Because we may not live another single day

And I have no clue what I'm gonna say
I just sit around and think of what to say to you almost every day

Please let her be the girl of my dreams
She's so beautiful and talented, or so it seems

She's got a great taste in music, she likes the Rock and roll scene
From The Story So Far, to Zeppelin, please be my queen

I really want you to be mine
I promise when we're together, we'll make the whole world shine

And if I told you how I felt,
Would you feel the same

Cuz I'm tired of acting like its a f***ing game

But Maybe I'm pushing my luck
Wishing for Something that may never happen

The time is now, that I need to take some action

The author's comments:

The life of the quiet guys 

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