Hoedown | Teen Ink


October 7, 2015
By Anonymous

Well, let me tell you something that happens every night
My feet have some kinda fungus; it’s really quite a sight
I got prescribed an ointment; but all I do is scoff
Cause that stuff smelled like crap so I cut my foot off

I have this nasty thing that’s growing on my foot
It bleeds a whole lot, and also it smells like soot.
My medication burns, but I sit through the pain
As I watch my insurance money going down the drain.

These guys are all so nasty, don’t you people think?
After those verses, I really need a drink.
We have to hear another, and that is really scary
So I’ll need to have myself another bloody mary

The sickness on my foot made people want to gag
Then it fell off and they put it in a bag
They threw it in a hole, I haven’t seen it since
Now I have the same disease, but now it’s on my wrists!

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