Princess | Teen Ink


October 8, 2015
By imaginationstation5 BRONZE, Dorado, Other
imaginationstation5 BRONZE, Dorado, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I will write until not a single word remains in my soul... Until every story in my heart has been told... Until my mind's well of ideas is bone dry... And even then I will write on because writing is not just something I do but part of who I am."

One day I'm gonna be a princess
I'm gonna curl my hair.
Wear heels and pretty dresses
Dance around everywhere.
A crown upon my head
Riding atop a pony please.
One day I'm gonna be a princess
You just wait and see.

Darling there's one thing that you should know
A princess does those things but so much more.
She's gentle and kind and friendly too
Hardworking and happy just like you.

Running through the gardens
Swimming in the lake
Days filled with endless playtime
Amazing memories to make

Those things are fun and all,
Who wouldn't want to go to a ball,
But I think you're missing an important thing
Is it your true self you are being?

Darling there's one thing that you should know
A princess does those things but so much more
She's gentle and kind and friendly too
Hardworking and happy just like you

It may be great to be a princess
But remember one thing
Above all she is caring and selfless
The loving daughter of a king
Spreading laughter and sunshine everywhere
Helping those in need
Serving and visiting others
Always without greed

Darling there's one thing that you should know
A princess is those things and so much more
She gentle and kind and friendly too
Hardworking and happy just like you

It may be great to be a princess
But remember one thing
Above all she is caring and selfless
The loving daughter of a king

The author's comments:

I got this idea when I went to the 2015-16 Miss Washington County pageant, but also took some things from my own experience at the Spirit of Miss Enterprise. I wasn't sure if it would go anywhere but felt that if it ever did it could be something awesome.  I wrote this song because everyone seems to have this image of princesses that makes them just a pretty face that does nothing and I wanted to hopefully change that perspective.  So I decided to combine that view with the dream of a little girl who just wants to be a princess no matter what. But I realized that I couldn't just do this from the persepective of a little girl. I have too much experience and knowledge behind me to allow that so I decided to add in the advice and wisdom of an adult. Still encouraging and wanting them to succeed but also helping them to learn more about their dream and the kind of person they should be trying to be, especially with a title.

I hope that others will enjoy this and have a better understanding of the person behind the pretty face.  To realize that while our dreams are great there is often more to them than meets the eye.  But more than anything, to not change who you are just because you have a title.

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