My song | Teen Ink

My song

September 1, 2015
By Anonymous

Not knowing what this could be

Let me know

Please show me what to see

I can't let go 

(Oh what do I do to get close to you?)

I've been trying so hard

This means so much to me

When will this go too far?
I'll beg and I'll plea

(Oh what do I do to get close to you?) 

I cant help but hope and pray 

That I can get to know you one day 

What is it that you hold inside? 

There is no need to hide

(Oh what do I do to grt close to you?)

I see you in my dreams

Is it a nightmare or a fantasy?

You're tearing at my seams

I promise you, this beautiful catastrophe

You're a labyrinth of mystery

Yet we have so much history

What will this come to be?
Will we follow the prophecy?

My love, My darling  

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